Complaints, compliments and comments

We Listen, We Learn, We Care.

Send us your feedback

Here at Blue Ribbon, we strive for excellence in everything we do, which is why we encourage feedback from everyone; the people who use ours services and the people who work with us. 

This helps us to continually improve the services we provide. The feedback we receive helps us to shape what we do, so please do tell us what you think.

If you have a complaint or compliment, please get in touch with us directly.

When things go well

We generally receive lots of compliments from the people who use our services. Not only is it great to celebrate the difference our teams make, but all feedback we receive helps to shape our service, ensuring we give people more of what they want and need.

We are delighted when we receive compliments and are able to share these across the organisation. It allows us to reward and recognise our colleagues for their commitment.

If you would like to make a compliment or nominate someone for recognition, you can do so using the form

When things don't go so well

If you feel your expectations have not been met, please let us know.

Our Complaints Policy provides a framework which is simple to use and easily accessible to all. We aim to give people the confidence that their comments are being listened to, and that their concerns are dealt with quickly, effectively and discreetly. We seek to learn from any feedback and will use this to improve our services.

Our hope is that most issues or problems can be resolved quickly and effectively, but in the event that a solution cannot be found straight away, we have a formal procedure you should follow. In the first instance, please contact your local branch to discuss any concerns you may have. You’ll find their contact details in your Telephone Contact Card or here on our website.

Still not happy?

We encourage you to raise concerns as soon after the event occurred or the concern came to your attention, as delays in reporting concerns can sometimes be challenging when conducting an investigation.

To ensure we deal with your complaint appropriately, we have created a three-stage escalation process, where all concerns will be acknowledged within 24 hours of receiving them.

If the matter cannot be resolved immediately, then a response will be provided within 20 working days to meet the requirements of the regulator.

Complaint – Stage One

Our intention is that matters should be resolved by the person managing your relationship with Blue Ribbon i.e. Client Care Manager – you’ll find their contact details in your Telephone Contact Card. If the concern is about this person, then please email and a senior manager will investigate your concerns.

Complaint – Stage Two

If a concern cannot be resolved in Stage One, a senior manager will review the findings and outcomes from the previous investigation, aiming to resolve the concern to your satisfaction.

Complaint – Stage Three

In the instance that a concern cannot be resolved in Stage Two, an independent and impartial review of the concern and all investigations will be completed by someone at director level. They will make an informed decision on any further action required.

If at the end of our three-stage process you still feel that your concern has not been resolved to your full satisfaction, please contact the Local Government Ombudsman (and the Ombudsman for Wales) who will review the matter independently for you.

More Information

We aim to resolve all concerns to your full satisfaction, however if you are not fully satisfied with the outcome of your concern you may refer your concerns to the Local Government Ombudsman or Ombudsman Wales and ask for the concern to be independently reviewed. Details below:

  • LGO: Tel: 0300 061 0614 – Website:
  • Care Quality Commission:
    • Citygate Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4PA.
    • 2 Redman Place, London, E20 1JQ
    • Tel: 03000 616161
    • Website:

Blue Ribbon’s services are registered with, and regulated by, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) .